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In some cases, there may be organizational standards surrounding decimal precision. For example, there may be a specific standard around the representation of precision relating to lab results. As such, set_precision_data() provides an interface to provide integer and decimal precision from an external data source.


set_precision_data(layer, prec, default = c("error", "auto"))



A tplyr_layer object


A dataframe following the structure specified in the function details


Handling of unspecified by variable groupings. Defaults to 'error'. Set to 'auto' to automatically infer any missing groups.


The ultimate behavior of this feature is just that of the existing auto precision method, except that the precision is specified in the provided precision dataset rather than inferred from the source data. At a minimum, the precision dataset must contain the integer variables max_int and max_dec. If by variables are provided, those variables must be available in the layer by variables.

When the table is built, by default Tplyr will error if the precision dataset is missing by variable groupings that exist in the target dataset. This can be overriden using the default parameter. If default is set to "auto", any missing values will be automatically inferred from the source data.


prec <- tibble::tribble(
  ~vs, ~max_int, ~max_dec,
  0,        1,        1,
  1,        2,        2

tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>%
    group_desc(wt, by = vs) %>%
        'Mean (SD)' = f_str('a.a+1 (a.a+2)', mean, sd)
      ) %>%
      set_precision_data(prec) %>%
  ) %>%
#> # A tibble: 2 × 8
#>   row_label1 row_label2 var1_3         var1_4 var1_5 ord_layer_index ord_layer_1
#>   <chr>      <chr>      <chr>          <chr>  <chr>            <int>       <dbl>
#> 1 0          Mean (SD)  "4.10 (0.768)" "2.75… "2.91…               1           1
#> 2 1          Mean (SD)  " 3.047 ( 0.5… " 2.5… " 1.5…               1           2
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: ord_layer_2 <int>