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Writes a local data frame into SAS transport file of version 5. The SAS transport format is an open format, as is required for submission of the data to the FDA.


  metadata = NULL,
  domain = NULL,
  strict_checks = FALSE,
  label = deprecated()



A data frame to write.


Path where transport file will be written. File name sans will be used as xpt name.


A data frame containing dataset. See 'Metadata' section for details.


Appropriate CDISC dataset name, e.g. ADAE, DM. Used to subset the metadata object.


If TRUE, xpt validation will report errors and not write out the dataset. If FALSE, xpt validation will report warnings and continue with writing out the dataset. Defaults to FALSE


[Deprecated] Previously used to to set the Dataset label. Use the metadata argument to set the dataset label.


A data frame. xportr_write() returns the input data invisibly.


  • Variable and dataset labels are stored in the "label" attribute.

  • SAS format are stored in the "SASformat" attribute.

  • SAS type are based on the metadata attribute.


The argument passed in the 'metadata' argument can either be a metacore object, or a data.frame containing the data listed below. If metacore is used, no changes to options are required.

For data.frame 'metadata' arguments two columns must be present:

  1. Domain Name - passed as the 'xportr.df_domain_name' option. Default: "dataset". This is the column subset by the 'domain' argument in the function.

  2. Label Name - passed as the 'xportr.df_label' option. Default: "label". Character values to update the 'label' attribute of the dataframe This is passed to haven::write_xpt to note the label.


adsl <- data.frame(
  SUBL = as.character(123, 456, 789),
  DIFF = c("a", "b", "c"),
  VAL = c("1", "2", "3"),
  PARAM = c("param1", "param2", "param3")

var_spec <- data.frame(
  dataset = "adsl",
  label = "Subject-Level Analysis Dataset",
  data_label = "ADSL"
  path = paste0(tempdir(), "/adsl.xpt"),
  domain = "adsl",
  metadata = var_spec,
  strict_checks = FALSE