Enhanced RTF wrapper written in R for use with existing R tables packages such as huxtable or GT. This package fills a gap where tables in certain packages can be written out to RTF, but cannot add certain metadata or features to the document that are required/expected in a report for a regulatory submission, such as multiple levels of titles and footnotes, making the document landscape, and controlling properties such as margins.
This package intends to provide a flexible and reliable framework to connect R to a pharmaceutical reporting workflow.
Useful links:
Report bugs at https://github.com/atorus-research/pharmaRTF/issues
Maintainer: Michael Stackhouse mike.stackhouse@atorusresearch.com (ORCID)
Eli Miller eli.miller@atorusresearch.com (ORCID)
Ashley Tarasiewicz Ashley.Tarasiewicz@atorusresearch.com
Other contributors:
Atorus Research LLC [copyright holder]