These property functions modify or return the fonts of an rtf_doc object or individual titles/footnotes objects of the hf_line class.

When used on an rtf_doc object to retrieve fonts, the distinct set of fonts of all objects contained within the rtf_doc are returned. When used on an rtf_doc to set fonts, the default font for the RTF document is set.

When used on titles/footnotes (hf_line objects), the font is either returned of set for that individual line.

font(x, ...)

font(x) <- value

set_font(x, value)



rtf_doc object, the table of a rtf_doc object, or a hf_line object


Additional arguments passed to method dispatch


A string representing a font


For font(), the font attribute of the object in the case of hf_line and the table, or each unique font in the table, titles, footnotes, and the overall document in the case of rtf_doc. For set_font() and `font<-`(), the modified object.


library(huxtable) ht <- huxtable( column1 = 1:5, column2 = letters[1:5] ) rtf <- rtf_doc(ht, list(hf_line("text", font = "Comic Sans"))) pharmaRTF::font(rtf)
#> [1] "Courier New" "Comic Sans"
# Returns "Courier New" "Comic Sans" pharmaRTF::font(rtf) <- "Times" pharmaRTF::font(rtf)
#> [1] "Times" "Comic Sans"
# Returns "Times" "Comic Sans" pharmaRTF::font(rtf$titles[[1]]) <- "Windings" pharmaRTF::font(rtf)
#> [1] "Times" "Windings"
# Returns "Times" "Windings"