These property functions modify or return the text alignment in a hf_line object. Supported options are: 'left', 'right', 'center', and 'split'.

An alignment option of 'split' requires that two text elements are provided in the titles/footnotes hf_line object. The first text element will be aligned on the left and the second on the right.

align(x, ...)

align(x) <- value

set_align(x, value)



hf_line object


Additional arguments passed to method dispatch.


A string representing the alignment.


For align(), the alignment of the supplied hf_line object. For set_align() and `align<-`(), the modified object.


#> #> Attaching package: ‘huxtable’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:pharmaRTF’: #> #> align, align<-, bold, bold<-, font, font_size, font_size<-, font<-, #> header_rows, header_rows<-, italic, italic<-, set_align, set_bold, #> set_font, set_font_size, set_header_rows, set_italic
ht <- huxtable( column1 = 1:5, column2 = letters[1:5] ) rtf <- rtf_doc(ht, list(hf_line("aTitle"))) pharmaRTF::align(rtf$titles[[1]])
#> [1] "center"
# Returns "center" pharmaRTF::align(rtf$titles[[1]]) <- "left" # Sets alignment to 'left' pharmaRTF::text(rtf$titles[[1]]) <- c("Left Text", "Right Text") pharmaRTF::align(rtf$titles[[1]]) <- "split" # When rtf is printed, "Left Text" will be left aligned, and "Right Text" # will be right aligned. Both will appear on the same line in the document.