Accessing Microsoft 365 files is a bit tricky to do in R, as it's not as simple as providing a URL path to an associated file. As such, m365filer has some tooling built in to make the process (slightly) easier. This is all built on top of the Microsoft365R package, built and maintained by the Azure team.



To set these files as OneDrive or SharePoint file, follow these steps:

  • First, you need an appropriate ms_drive object. Refer to the Microsoft365R documentation for instructions on setting up your connection.

  • m365filer has a few different functions available to facililate file reading, which include sharepoint_file, onedrive_file, and an alternative approach using source_file. Refer to Alternative Approaches vignette for more information on using source files. As for setting your paths on OneDrive or SharePoint, note that:

    • On OneDrive, the file path would start right your local OneDrive file path. For example, on my system if my local copy of the file is "C:\Users\16105\OneDrive\Documents\file.txt", the path reference to OneDrive would be 'Documents\file.txt'.

    • On SharePoint, first note that you need to get the ms_drive object out of the SharePoint site, as the SharePoint drive is a piece of the SharePoint site itself. You will then need the root directory of the SharePoint drive. This isn't always intuitive, but for the "My Microsoft Team - General" SharePoint site, the root directory is "General".

Once these setup steps are done, everything should function as normal. You will see intermittent messages from the Microsoft365R API package when connections are initialized or reset when tokens expire.